Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Busy Week

This week has been a pretty busy one so far! We are getting close to the end of the school year and the kids all have a bunch of activities going on! Austin had his 2nd grade concert the other night where they performed with their song flute's and sang as well. It was so cute! Austin was so excited about this performance. He loves playing his song flute and even got to bring it home. Since then, we have been listening to a lot of his "practicing"!! hehe. It's so precious though and I am glad to see him take an interest in music.
        Later this week Brandon has his tournament for baseball and his end of the season baseball party at the Rome Braves game. He is excited about getting to go out on the field! Brandon also lost his second top front tooth yesterday so he now is missing both of his front teeth!! It's bittersweet and I still can't picture him with "grown up teeth" yet. He is our baby and is growing up way too fast!
     It's hard to imagine that next week is Austin's last week at his school. His school is Pre-K through 2nd grade so he will graduate up to the Elementary School, which is 3rd, 4th, & 5th. So that also means that next school year I will have 3 kids, in 3 different schools! I LOVE the primary school where the boys go and all the teachers. I just pray that the transition goes smoothly for Austin.
    So I guess I will grab the tissues, I always get so emotional the last week of school. Mostly because I am so proud of the kids for all their hard work. This marks another milestone in their life.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun week too! I know I would be crying like a baby...poor Garrett doesn't know what he's in for :)
