Monday, May 16, 2011


Where to even begin? What a special child she is, well pre-teen now (as she tells me). I'm not ready for that! I want to rewind the clock and go back to pigtails and hairbows. It is amazing how fast time flies, how it just seems like not too long ago Aryel came into my life. I will never forget the first time I ever met her. She made such an impact on me, from that very first day.
    Aryel is Duke's great neice. His sister's daughters child, to be more specific. At the time, Aryel was living with both of her parents in Duke's rental house and we had stopped by to collect rent. Aryel was 2 years old. We walked in the house and she looked up at Duke and said "hi uncle duke". I will never forget it because I was amazed at how well she could speak. She had JUST turned 2 years old and could speak so clearly. I started chatting with her, I have always loved children, but for some reason I was drawn to her..and she was to me. As we were leaving, she was begging me to come back and give her another hug. I will never forget that image of her sweet face standing on that porch looking at me. After we left, I asked Duke if he thought they would mind if I spent some time with her, took her to the park, etc. Before long, when I would stop by to see her, she was running to get her was time to go bye bye with Mary.
    Never would I have thought that a year later she would be living with me. To make a very long story short..and to leave out the not so fun details...Aryel's parents split up and couldn't take care of her for one reason or another. Aryel is one of 4 siblings. She has an older half sister that she does not see very much and 2 younger biological brothers (she does get to see them). She came to live with us one week after she turned 3 years old. She was such a trooper. Aryel adjusted very quickly. She was always a very bright child. Aryel lived with us for a year. She and her baby brother went back to live with their dad. During this time, I had both of my boys. Aryel continued to spend almost every weekend with us. I always looked forward to spending time with her. She loved coming over and spending time with the boys too.
    The second time Aryel came to live with us she was 6 years old. She has been with us ever since. We received permanent custody of her when she was 8 years old. Aryel does see her father and has a good relationship with him, but she does not get to see her mother. Maybe one day, they can have a relationship, I have always hoped for that, for Aryel. I pray for that.
      I can say that I have truly been blessed with this special young child that is blossoming into a young lady. I have always said that God brought us together. First he brought Duke and I together and then brought me to her. I cringe at the thought of what would have happened to her if we had not been there. She deserves so much. She is a very smart girl. Makes great grades and tries very hard. She fits into our family like a glove, like it was meant to be that way. Austin & Brandon are her brothers. Although Duke and I are Uncle Duke & Aunt Mary, we are her parents. What greater gift could I have received?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your sweet comment! What a sweet, sweet story you have here too! I'm going to add you to my list so I can keep up with you guys!
